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Una panoramica sull’aggressività


1. Archer J (1988) The Behavioural Biology of Aggression. Cambridge University Press, New York.

2. Bandler RJ, Flynn JP (1974) Neural Pathways from The Thalamus Associated with Regulation of Aggressive Behavior. Science, 183, 96-99.

3. Beaver BV (1993) Profiles Of Dogs Presented For Aggression. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 29, 564-569.

4. Borchelt PL, Voith VL (1986) Dominance Aggression In Dogs. Comp Contin Edu Pract Vet, 8, 36-44.

5. Dodman NH, Shuster L (1998) Psycopharmacology of Animal Behaviour Disorders. Blackwell Science, Oxford.

6. Fatjo J, Manteca X (2003) Aggression towards unfamiliar people and other dogs: diagnosis and treatment. The European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, 13, 1.

7. Frank D, Dehasse J (2003) Differential diagnosis and management of human-directed aggression in cats. Vet Clin Small Anim; 33, 269-286.

8. Guy NC, Luescer UA, Dohoo SE, Spangler E, Miller JB, Dohoo IR, Bate LA (2001) Risk factor for dog bites to owners in a general veterinary caseload. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 74, 29-42.

9. Harrington FH (1987) Aggressive Howling In Wolves. Appl. Anim Behav. Sci., 35, 21-35

10. Heath S (2002) Feline aggression. In: BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Behavioural Medicine, ed. D Horwitz, D Mills and S Heath, pp. 216-228. BSAVA Publications, Gloucester.

11. Landau HG (1951) On Dominance Relations and the Structure on Animal Societies: Effects Of Inherent Characteristics”. Bull Math Biophys 13, 1-19.

12. McCune S (1993) The impact of paternity and early socialisation on the development of cats’ behaviour to people and novel objects. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 45, 109-124.

13. Mertens PA (2004) Aggressività canina. In: BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Behavioural Medicine, ed. D Horwitz, D Mills and S Heath, pp. 240-266. BSAVA Publications, Gloucester.

14. Moyer KE (1968). Kinds of aggression and their physiological basis. 11 Communic. In Behav. Biol., 2, 65-87.

15. Overall KL (2001) Dog bites to humans: demography, epidemiology, injury and risk. JAVMA, 218, 12, 1923-1934.

16. Reisner IR (2003) Differential diagnosis and management of human-directed aggression in dogs. Vet. Clin. Of North Am.: Small Anim. Pract., 33, 303-320.


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