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Utilizzo pratico dei coloranti oculari


1. Arboleda A, Miller D, Cabot F, et al. Assessment of rose bengal versus riboflavin photodynamic therapy for inhibition of fungal keratitis isolates. American Journal of ophthalmology. 158(1): 64-70.2014.

2. Brookks DE, Andrew SE, Denis HM et al. Rose bengal positive epithelial microerosions as a manifestation of equine keratomycosis. 3 (2-3): 83-86.2000.

3. Crispin SM. Tear-deficient and evaporative dry eye syndromes of the horse. Veterinary Ophthalmology 3: 87-92.2000.

4. Dogru M, Okada N, Asano-Kato N, et al. Alterations of the ocular surface epithelial mucins 1, 2, 4 and the tear functions in patients with atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Clinical and experimental allergy. 36(12): 1556-1565.2006.

5. Durkee H, Arboleda A, Aguilar MC et al. Rose bengal photodynamic antimicrobial therapy to inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis isolates. Lasers in medical science. 35(4): 861-866.2020.

6. Famose F. Evaluation of accelerated collagen cross-linking for the treatment of refractory deep keratitis in eight dogs and 10 cats. Veterinary Ophthalmology: 1-10.2013.

7. Feenstra RPG, Tseng SCG. Comparison of Fluorescein and Rose Bengal Staining. Ophthalmology 99(4): 605-617.1992.

8. Ferreira TAC, Warth JFG, Dos Santos LL, et al. Antimicrobial activity of topical dyes used in clinical veterinary ophthalmology. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 23(3): 497-505.2020.

9. Halili F, Arboleda A, Durkee H et al. Rose Bengal– and Riboflavin-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy to Inhibit Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Keratitis Isolates. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 166: 194-202.2016.

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14. Michel J, Lazard P. Treatment of stromal abscessation with corneal collagen cross-linking in two cats. Veterinary Ophthalmology 20(1). 2016.

15. Mitchell N. Canine Ophthalmic emergencies-part 2. Veterinary Irelan Journal 9(9): 482-486.2019.

16. Moghadam RS, Akbari M, Alizadeh Y, et al. The Outcome of Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking in Patients with Advanced Progressive Keratoconus: A 2-Year Follow-up Study». Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 26(1): 11.2019.

17. Morton CO, Chau M, Stack C. In vitro combination therapy using low dose clotrimazole and photodynamic therapy leads to enhanced killing of the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum. BMC Microbiology, 14: 261.2014.

18. Nandini C, Matalia H, Zameer L et al. Corneal staining during cataract surgery: natural course, ASOCT features, and preventive measures. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 67(4): 557-559.2019.

19. Paugh JR, Nguyen T, Sasai A et al. Efficacy of the Fluorescein Tear Breakup Time Test in Dry Eye. Cornea 39(1): 92-98.2020.

20. Pot AS, Gallhofer NS, Walser-Reinhardt L, et al. Treatment of bullous keratopathy with corneal collagen cross-linking in two dogs. Veterinary Ophthalmology 18(2): 168-173.2015.

21. Pot SA, Gallhofer NS, Matheis FL et al. Corneal collagen cross-linking as treatment for infectious and noninfectious corneal melting in cats and dogs: results of a prospective, nonrandomized, controlled trial. Veterinary Ophthalmology 17(4): 250-260.2014.

22. Puthalath AS, Gupta N, Samanta R et al. Cobalt blue light unit filter - A smartphone attachment for blue light photography. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 69(10): 2841-2843.2021.

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25. Schäfer M, Schmitz C,Facius R, et al. Systematic study of parameters influencing the action of rose bengal with visible light on bacterial cells: comparison between the biological effect and singlet-oxygen production. Photochemistry and photobiology 71(5): 514-523. 2000.

26. Telang OJ, Morepatil VG. OCT (optical coherence tomography) as a diagnostic tool in corneal disorders. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 4(88): 5119–23.2017.

27. Troiano P. I coloranti della superficie oculare. EuVision 1: 12-15.2016.

28. Williams DL, Griffiths A. Ocular surface rose bengal staining in normal dogs and dogs with keratoconjunctivitis sicca: preliminary findings. Insights in Veterinary Science: 42-46.2017.



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